The World Migratory Bird Day Team is Excited to Present to You the 2013 Website, Theme and Poster!

Bonn,14 March 2013 - Each year on the second
weekend in May, dedicated organizations and people around
the world plan World Migratory Bird Day events to celebrate
migratory birds in their region and to raise awareness
about the need for their conservation. Since World Migratory
Bird Day began in 2006, events have been carried out in
118 countries. In 2012 alone, over 250 events were celebrated
for World Migratory Bird Day and this year we hope to
motivate even more people and organizations to connect
and work together towards conserving migratory birds worldwide.

This year’s World Migratory Bird Day theme is "Networking
for migratory birds
. It aims to emphasize
the mutual importance of ecological networks and networks
between organizations and individuals for the long-term
conservation of migratory birds. [Learn
More about this Year’s Theme


Importance of Ecological Networks for Migratory Birds

Migratory birds travel huge
distances along their migration routes, sometimes even tens
of thousands of kilometres. This year’s World Migratory
Bird Day theme “Networking for migratory
” highlights the importance of
networks of sites for migratory birds along their migration
routes. These connected sites act like stepping stones’
used by birds along their migration routes and are important
for resting, feeding, breeding and wintering.

Many sites that birds depend
on are under threat from human activities, thereby posing
a grave risk to migratory bird species. Direct human activities
such as land reclamation and deforestation, as well as indirect
human influences such as climate change, damage these sites
through habitat fragmentation and degradation. Large numbers
of important sites have already been damaged, or lost entirely.
The conservation of these important sites is crucial for
the protection of avian migratory species. [Learn
More about Ecological Networks

Together to Conserve Migratory Birds

This year’s theme also
highlights the importance of networking and connecting globally
amongst governments, conservation organizations and dedicated
people to conserve migratory birds. Joint action in the
form of international cooperation is needed, since conservation
efforts in one country can be completely jeopardized by
the loss of a single site in another area or country. World
Migratory Bird Day aims to encourage the international community
that shares migratory birds - governments, conservation
organizations and dedicated people alike – to further
work together to conserve migratory birds. [Learn
More about International Migratory Bird Conservation

migratory birds through an event!

Join the celebration of a
great natural wonder on World Migratory Bird Day! We invite
everyone to join us to celebrate, conserve and raise awareness
of migratory birds on 11-12 May 2013 by holding bird-watching
events, educational programmes, lectures, art exhibitions,
competitions and other public events. However you decide
to participate, your contribution will help make a difference!
More about How Others Celebrate WMBD

encourage all event organizers to register their events
on the WMBD website so we can add them to the global World
Migratory Bird Day Event Map at:





Your Free WMBD Poster, Postcard and Sticker Package

We are pleased to offer this year’s poster in English,
French, Spanish and German. Free poster packages can be
ordered by organizers to help promote their events. You
can register your events, order posters and find more information
on the World Migratory Bird Day 2013 website at:

The poster and other materials are also available in electronic
format on the World Migratory Bird Day website. You can
download the materials in different formats (including the
original design files) and use them to print and customize
the materials for your local context and use. [WMBD
Press Page

You can also keep in touch with the growing
World Migratory Bird Day community and get updates on the
campaign on Facebook and Twitter.


World Migratory Bird Day was initiated
in 2006 and is an annual awareness-raising campaign highlighting
the need for the protection of migratory birds and their
habitats. World Migratory Bird Day is jointly organized
by the Secretariats of the Convention on the Conservation
of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS)
and the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian
Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) – two international wildlife
treaties administered by the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP)
– and a growing number of partners. [WMBD

For more information please do not hesitate
to contact us:

Ms Dunia Sforzin

Information Assistant

PNUE/AEWA Secretariat

Tel.: +49 (0)228 815 2454

Fax: +49 (0)228 815 2450


Last updated on 16 June 2014