AEWA Training of Trainers Workshop on the Flyway Approach to the Conservation and Wise Use of Waterbirds and Wetlands

19 March 2013
- The Secretariat of the African-Eurasian
Migratory Waterbird Agreement (UNEP/AEWA) is pleased to
announce the call for applications for a Training of Trainers
(ToT) workshop on the Flyway Approach to the Conservation
and Wise Use of Waterbirds and Wetlands, scheduled to take
place from 6 to 11 May 2013 and kindly hosted by the Kenya
Wildlife Service (KWS).

The ToT workshop is being
organized by the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat, in close collaboration
with the Government of Kenya and is made possible thanks
to a generous financial contribution from the Thematic Programme
for Environment and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
including Energy (ENRTP)
Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA) between the European
Commission - DG Environment and the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP).

central training resource for the ToT workshop is the Flyway
Training Kit (FTK),
developed under the Wings
Over Wetlands (WOW) UNEP-GEF African-Eurasian Flyways Project
The training kit is a unique resource, which consists of
three modules covering the main issues of relevance for
the conservation, management, awareness-raising and communication
on waterbirds and wetlands. In addition, it has the distinctive
feature of providing a practical framework for trainers
on how to conduct workshops and deliver trainings at the
national and regional level for different target audiences.

The ToT workshop will take place at the
Kenya Wildlife Service Training Institute (KWSTI)
located in Naivasha, about 80km northwest of Nairobi. KWSTI
is one of the training units of the Kenya Wildlife Service,
which has adopted the WOW FTK as a training resource in
its curriculum. Participants of the WOW Training of Trainers Course which took place in Limbe, Cameroon in 2009

The workshop targets participants from
the Eastern
and Southern African sub-regions
. In particular,
it is intended for technical staff or affiliates of conservation,
education or environmental, governmental or non-governmental
organizations, who are already engaged in the design or
delivery of training at some level, preferably in relation
to wetlands and waterbird conservation, and who are in a
position to deliver future flyway conservation training
in their country.

Further details on the qualifications for
participants of the ToT workshop can be found in the Terms
of Reference
. Interested qualified candidates
are encouraged to submit their applications before the deadline
of 29 March 2013 to the AEWA National Focal
Point or contact person in their country, with a copy to
the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat (
The application must include a one-page motivation letter
and a résumé/CV.

The workshop participants are also expected
to participate in a central sub-regional event marking the
2013 World
Migratory Bird Day
celebration, organized by
KWS and expected to take place at Lake Elementeita, Kenya
on 11 May 2013, immediately after the ToT workshop. This
central World Migratory Bird Day event is made possible
thanks to some seed funding provided by the Government of
Germany to complement the support from the Government of

Both the FTK ToT and central World Migratory
Bird Day event will contribute to the implementation of
priority activities identified in the AEWA
Plan of Action for Africa 2012-2017
at the 5th Session of the AEWA Meeting of Parties, and are
aimed at advancing the implementation of the Agreement in
the African region. The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat hopes that
more training institutes in the African region will consider
adopting the FTK in their curricula and that resources for
follow-up trainings can be secured.

Further information on the FTK ToT workshop
and the regional World Migratory Bird Day event can be obtained
from the UNEP/AEWA

Additional resources:

Last updated on 16 June 2014