Call for the Nomination of AEWA CEPA Focal Points

12 December 2012
- Activities related to Communication,
Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) are one of the measures
specified in the AEWA Action Plan under “Education
and Information” and should be undertaken by Contracting
Parties to warrant the conservation of migratory waterbirds
within their national boundaries.

To support these efforts the 5th Meeting
of the Parties to AEWA (MOP5)
adopted Resolution
– Implementation and Revision of
the Communication Strategy - which “invites all
Contracting Parties to nominate, by 31 December 2012, a
suitable National Focal Point for Communication, Education
and Public Awareness (CEPA), either from the governmental
or non-governmental sector

National CEPA focal points act as the main
national contact on issues relating to Communication, Education
and Public Awareness in relation to AEWA. They are the main
contact point for the Secretariat on CEPA issues and play
an active role in supporting communication and outreach
activities to promote the objectives of the Agreement and
its Action Plan on the national level.

Acting as both multipliers and communicators,
CEPA Focal Points contribute to the Agreement’s communication
and outreach activities, such as World Migratory Bird Day,
or in supporting future implementation and the revision
process for the Communication Strategy. Furthermore, CEPA
focal points have a special role in actively sharing ongoing
good practice CEPA activities, related to AEWA, in their
countries with their respective counterparts in other countries
across the African-Eurasian flyway.

The official designation form for AEWA
CEPA Focal Points as well as more information on CEPA can
be found at:


Last updated on 16 June 2014