Ghana hosts 11th Meeting of the AEWA Technical Committee

/Bonn, 29 August 2012 -
The 11th Meeting of the AEWA
Technical Committee (TC11) took place in Accra, Ghana from
27-30 August 2012. The meeting was hosted by the Forestry
Commission of Ghana-Wildlife Division
and was
attended by around 30 participants including several thematic
and invited experts and observers from 16 countries.

The Technical Committee is the AEWA body
that provides scientific and technical advice and information
to the Meeting of the Parties and, through the Agreement
Secretariat, to the signatory countries of AEWA. It makes
recommendations to the Meeting of the Parties concerning
the AEWA Action Plan, implementation of the Agreement and
identifies priorities for further research to be carried

Nick Davidson (Ramsar Secretariat), Patricia Cremona (UNEP-WCMC), Borja Heredia (UNEP/CMS Secretariat)  (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper UNEP/AEWA)
David Stroud (Chair of TC11), Sergey Dereliev and Marco Barbieri (UNEP/AEWA Secretariat) (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper UNEP/AEWA)

From left: John Harradine (BASC), Patrick Triplet (OMPO), Baz Hughes (WWT), Nicola Crockfoord (RSBP/BirdLife International), Pamela Kershaw (Department of Environmental Affairs South Africa) (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper UNEP/AEWA).

The guiding document for the meeting was
the AEWA Technical Committee Work Plan 2012-2015. The plan
outlines the major tasks to be fulfilled by the Technical
Committee during the triennium 2012-2015. Ten working groups
covering a wide range of topics including on issues relating
to hunting and trade, impact of climate change, disturbance,
Single Species Action Plans (SSAPs), Conservation Guidelines,
national reporting, Communication Education and Public Awareness
(CEPA) and on other emerging issues have been established.
The TC11 meeting was used to get input from all working
groups so as to allow the Technical Committee to determine
how best to implement the different tasks outlined in the
current work plan.

Hichem Azafzaf (Regional Representative for Northern Africa), Lorenzo Serra (Regional Representative for Central Europe), Samuel Muchane Muchai (Regional Representative for Eastern Africa)(Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper (UNEP/AEWA)
 (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper UNEP/AEWA)
First meeting of the TC CEPA Working Group (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper (UNEP/AEWA)

TC11 will be directly followed by a workshop
to develop an Action Plan on migratory landbirds in the
African-Eurasian region, which is being organized by the
Secretariat of the Convention
on Migratory Species
and which will take
place back-to-back in Accra from 31 August until 2 September
2012. The landbirds workshop is based on CMS Resolution
10.27 “Improving the Conservation Status of Migratory
Landbirds in the African Eurasian Region”, which was
adopted by the 10th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties
(COP10) to CMS in Bergen Norway in December 2011.

David Stroud (Chair of the Technical Committee) trying to make sense of the comments (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper (UNEP/AEWA)
Angus Middleton (FACE) and Nicola Crockford (RSPB/BirdLife) talking during a coffee break (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper (UNEP/AEWA)
Erasmus Henaku Owusu (University of Ghana) presenting the book "Birds of Ghana" (Photo: © Marie-Therese Kämper (UNEP/AEWA)

Wordcloud for "Irrespective of the current TC workplan, what are the key issues that the TC should be addressing?"
Wordcloud for "In your experience what are the top two threats negativeley influencing migratory waterbirds?"
Wordcloud for "If you could make one thing happen, how would you make AEWA more effective?"

Further Resources

Last updated on 16 June 2014