African Parties Get a Unique Opportunity to Influence the Development of the Draft Plan of Action for the Implementation of AEWA in Africa

Click to enlarge photo!La
Rochelle, 15 May 2012
- The AEWA African preparatory
workshop to the 5th Meeting of the Parties
to AEWA (MOP5)
took place on 12-13 May 2012 in the city of La Rochelle
in France. An independent facilitation team conducted
the workshop and provided further support to the finalization
of the draft AEWA Plan of Action for Africa. The workshop
was held in a participatory and interactive manner through
discussions and thematic group sessions which enabled
the Parties to establish and consolidate common positions
on key issues of relevance to Africa and to prepare for
effective participation at the AEWA MOP 5.

from 25 different African countries, represented by a
good number of common CMS
and AEWA
National Focal Points
, actively participated
in the workshop. The CMS and AEWA joint capacity building
activities were further discussed in the thematic group
on CEPA (Communication, Education and Public Awareness)
and Capacity Building. The Parties gave their support
- and provided further suggestions - for the joint capacity
building project in the African region which is funded
through the ENRTP Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA)
between European
Commission - DG Environment
and UNEP.

Further Information:

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Last updated on 16 June 2014