New LIFE+ Project for the Lesser White-fronted Goose Starts with Kick-off Meeting at Lake Kerkini in Greece

Kerkini, 10 November 2011 -
The new LIFE+ project for safeguarding the Fennoscandian
sub-population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser
) along its European flyway was officially
launched with a 2-day workshop in Kerkini, Greece on 7-8
organized by the lead project partner, the Hellenic Ornithological
Society (HOS)
and hosted by the Kerkini National Park Management Authority.

The workshop brought together all eight project beneficiaries
from Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Greece and the UNEP/AEWA
Secretariat as well as representatives from the Norwegian
Ornithological Society and the Norwegian Directorate for
Nature Management to discuss project activities and implementation.
The workshop was also attended by a representative from
the External LIFE Monitoring Team (ASTRAL), who briefed
project partners on reporting and financial duties.

Meeting at the Kerkini management authority office.  Photo: Nina Mikander (UNEP/AEWA) Kerkini National Park. Photo: Nina Mikander (UNEP/AEWA) Experts counting LWfG.  Photo: Nicky Petkov (BSPB)

the previous LWfG LIFE project which ended in 2009, the
bulk of activities in the new project focus on the staging
and wintering grounds of the Fennoscandian LWfG sub-population
in Europe over a five year period. The total project budget
amounts to roughly 2.280.000 €. The EU Commission
is providing 73% of the funding with a substantial amount
of co-funding (about 15% of the total budget) being provided
by the Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management. The
overall project manager for HOS will be Ms. Manolia Vougioukalou.

Main project goals are to reduce mortality rates related
to hunting (mapping of critical habitats and campaigns
against illegal hunting), to provide suitable foraging
and roosting sites (diet analysis, habitat management plans),
to increase knowledge and awareness (National Action Plans,
communication materials, educational programmes) and to
maximize international co-operation and networking (for
example organizing the next meeting of the AEWA LWfG International
Working Group).

The workshop was followed by a field trip to Lake Kerkini
National Park, where participants were lucky to sight 69
LWfG of the 74 counted after the breeding season in Norway.

Workshop participants during the field trip. Photo: Nina Mikander (UNEP/AEWA) Pure flock of LWfG (Fennoscandia sub-population).  Photo: Nina Mikander (UNEP/AEWA) Kerkini National Park. Photo: Nina Mikander (UNEP/AEWA)

For more information please contact Ms.
Nina Mikander
, Coordinator for the Lesser White-fronted
Goose or visit the AEWA LWfG
news page

Dernière mise à jour le 16 Juin 2014