African Regional Preparatory Workshop for the 5th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA

In the framework of the African Initiative, the UNEP/AEWA Secretariat
is organizing an African regional preparatory workshop for the
5th Session of the Meeting of the Parties to AEWA
. This
two-day African pre-MOP5 workshop is scheduled to take place
from 12-13 May 2012 in La Rochelle, France, just before the AEWA
(14-18 May 2012).

The workshop will focus on consolidating the region’s
input towards revising and validating the draft Plan
of Action (PoA) for the conservation of migratory waterbirds
and their
habitats in Africa, for presentation at the 5th Session
of the MOP.

The African Initiative for the Conservation
of Migratory Waterbirds and their Habitats in Africa
adopted at the 4th Session of the Meeting of
the Parties to AEWA (MOP4) in September 2008, aims
to improve the implementation of the Agreement in
the region. The development of the draft PoA for
Africa is one of the key
activities targeted under this initiative. The UNEP/AEWA
Secretariat, in consultation with the AEWA Technical
Committee, prepared the
preliminary draft PoA for Africa, which is currently
under consultation by the African Parties and other

The African pre-MOP5 workshop offers
a unique opportunity for the African Parties to
ensure that the region’s current needs for
migratory waterbird conservation and gaps in the
implementation of the Agreement are reflected, as
far as possible, in the final draft document which
is presented to MOP5. The workshop is being made
possible through a voluntary contribution from the
ENRTP Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA) between
the European Commission - Directorate General for
the Environement and UNEP.

The UNEP/AEWA Secretariat hereby strongly encourages all African
Parties to participate in this workshop. Other AEWA
Parties and partner organizations are also welcome to participate.
All potential
participants who have not yet done so are called
upon to confirm their wish to participate in this workshop by
clicking on the
relevant box in the MOP5 pre-registration form or
contacting the Secretariat at

UNEP/AEWA Secretariat
will provide more information on the workshop to
all African Parties and other potential attendees

The Pre-MOP5 Meeting Documents can be found here.

pre-register for MOP5 and the African Pre-MOP5 workshop
please fill out the pre-registration form and send
it to:

UNEP/AEWA Secretariat

UN Campus

Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10

53113 Bonn


Fax: 0049 (0) 228 815 2450


Pre-registration Forms
Pre-Registration Form for MOP5 and the African Pre-MOP workshop
Sample Letter of Credentials (for Contracting
Parties only


The Pre MOP5 Meeting Documents can be found here.


MOP5 Start page
Information sheet
Meeting Documents
Draft Resolutions
Information Documents
National Reporting
Exhibition Space
African Pre-MOP workshop
Press & Media Resources
ENB Coverage of MOP5 (available as from May 2012)
Photo Gallery

Dernière mise à jour le 16 Juin 2014